RPM was started in 2019 by New Mexico-based artist Cynthia Johnson to help raise awareness and support for various artists, art projects and arts nonprofits through the gift and sale of her print work and design skills. RPM produces open edition prints, limited edition prints, artist catalogues, other printed media, social media campaigns, and events in collaboration with other artists, printers, fabricators, and creators.

In its current incarnation, RPM creates projects and supports artists and nonprofits in two ways: 1) through creation and donation of print works and merchandise directly to artists’ organizations, projects, nonprofits, and fundraising auctions, and 2) through direct sales of print works and merchandise, which pays for materials, production costs and supports collaborating artists through commissions. In addition, RPM works with businesses by offering design services for aligned products and projects.

Recent beneficiary organizations that have received donations of print works, in-kind hours, and/or funds, include: Carrizozo Music, Carrizozo Women’s Club, Alto Artists Tour, Artloop.org, and Limina Arts Foundation.

For questions/inquiries, please reach out to info@rendezvouspressmedia.com